About Gordon Ho

The Dots into Making Rain

RainmakerDots is a sales and marketing resource for small, medium, or enterprise-sized businesses.

It was founded in 2015 by Gordon Ho. Many years ago, Gordon completed a personality survey through Culture Index and his “dots” (results) were that of a Rainmaker. The Rainmaker Dots persona combined with his years as a small business owner and high-end sales producer in technology, logistics, and consulting led to RainmakerDots’ inception.

Ultimately sales is what keeps the doors open. Many times organizations have the best intentions to perform sales but their process is flawed. RainmakerDots assesses the sales and marketing process. Not enough time, not enough consistency in prospecting activities, and no solid strategy are the outcomes.

Because the sales and marketing process comprises of so many unique responsibilities, RainmakerDots focuses on the direct path to get real results. The outcome is to help organizations utilize their time better, institute consistency and accountability, and execute a solid strategy.

Author of the best selling book – The LinkedIn Rainmaker

“The LinkedIn Rainmaker” is the ultimate guide for B2B professionals who want to unlock the full potential of LinkedIn and skyrocket their sales.

This powerful book reveals proven strategies and tactics that will transform your approach to lead generation, helping you generate high-quality leads, close deals, and boost your revenue. From optimizing your LinkedIn profile to mastering thought leadership posts, you’ll learn how to stand out in a crowded marketplace, engage effectively with prospects, and convert connections into loyal clients. With this book as your trusted resource, you’ll work smarter, not harder, and achieve remarkable results in the same or fewer hours than before. Don’t miss the opportunity to tap into the platform responsible for 80% of B2B social media sales. Get your copy of “The LinkedIn Rainmaker” today and revolutionize your LinkedIn strategy.

Author of Unlocking Business Potential with AI & Automation

“Unlocking Business Potential with AI and Automation” by Gordon Ho is a comprehensive guide on leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation in business. It explores how AI and chatbots can revolutionize customer care, improve business operations, and transform sales processes. The book provides insights into AI-driven strategies for personalized customer interactions, efficient lead generation, and enhanced sales performance. It emphasizes the importance of AI in modern business, offering real-world examples and practical scenarios across various industries, demonstrating the significant impact of AI and automation on business growth and efficiency.


Time is the most precious commodity for a revenue producer. There is not enough of it and the sales pipeline has to continue to grow. There is not enough time in the day and there has to be a better way. There is a better way and we can help.


It’s been said a poor plan executed well will outperform a great plan poorly executed. Develop the right strategy customized for you and execute it well. This can be done. You just need fresh ideas to get you started. This is where we can help.


Executing your strategy or process is easy the first time. Continuing and staying consistent is the challenge. Determining where your time is best spent may require you to consider a partner to help you drive your processes consistently. This is where we can help.

Ready to change the status quo? Let’s talk.

Let's Talk

Phone : 913-208-1025

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Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm